In 1995 Bass player Mat Sargent (Sham 99, Chelsea) had the idea to record an album with different musicians on each track, it originally was only meant to be 1 album but the project grew and more & more people wanted to get involved so it is now a double CD, 40 songs, 20 songs on each album which all join up together.
I recently discovered this while surfing the web and is something I had completely forgotten about and on which I played one track. I was quite amazed to see the list of musicians who took part and gave their time and talent for free to this very worthy cause. Here are some names you may recognize:
John Sevink – The Levellers
Adam Ant
Sonja Kristina – Curved Air
Nicko McBrain – Iron Maiden
Seawead – Ozric Tentacles
Paul Samson – Samson
Mike Summerland – Blodwyn Pig
Clive Poole – ELO
Kirk Brandon – Spear of Destiny
Brian Robson – Thin Lizzy
Angie Bowie
Derek Forbes – Simple Minds
and many, many more…
My credit is listed as Georg Voros (E’void, Neil Solomon, Snakeshed) and I am very flattered to have contributed to this worthy project in which all the money is going to 4 very worthy charities. Well done to Mat Sargent for having the vision and commitment to see this through. You can visit the website where you can buy the albums, videos and contribute to this worthy cause. See more at the official website here.
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